Curious About Clubs?
Crochet club is every Wednesday!
February 14, 2023
Barlow is full to the brim with a diverse range of students, each with interests and skills unique to them. It is because of this that our school has various clubs to cater to some interests and hobbies. Though there may not be as many as the previous years, there are still a few that are sure to pique your interest. Multiple teachers at Barlow host clubs that are specific to only a certain group of students and are not open to everyone; for example, the National Honors Society and the Banner are technically labeled as clubs, and some have no requirements at all, like GSA. The Athletics and Activity Center has a list of the 2022-2023 school year clubs. The list includes the room, staff member who holds it, meeting times, the club’s email and social media handle, as well as a brief piece of information about the club.
There are three clubs not listed on the list of clubs; GSA, “Open Studio” art club, and Crochet Club. Gender Sexuality Alliance, or GSA, is a club for LGTBQIA2S+ youth and their allies. Activities include learning about the history of the community, hanging out and watching movies, getting involved in the community, and occasionally working with local food banks. The club meets after school on Mondays in room 205 with advisor Mrs. Duncan, and there are no requirements to join. Just come and have fun connecting with others!
Last year, there was an official Art Club held by Ms. Gibson, technically the club has since been disbanded, though Gibson still holds an “Open Studio” after school on Tuesdays until 4:00 PM. There are no set activities or lessons, rather, students have free range to all art supplies. Ms. Gibson just asks that students come to her or a student who has taken an art class first to find out how and where to use supplies. For example, students can come in, create something out of clay and wait for it to be fired!
Finally, there is the newly-created Crochet Club! The purpose of the club is to teach and learn new skills and to share a welcoming space to collaborate on projects. The club is open to anyone who would like to join and welcomes beginners. More experienced students who already know how to crochet will help teach beginners. There will be a limited supply of yarn and hooks so it is encouraged to bring your own, though there will be some for beginners to use to see if they enjoy the craft. There are currently no set projects and students may bring anything to work on. Meetings happen every Wednesday after school till 4:00PM in room 212!
If you have club ideas of your own for next year feel free to contact someone in the athletics and activities department. Emailing your counselor could also help you take a step in the right direction. You could speak with a teacher who may be interested in being the club advisor. Every club starts with an idea, so if you think students may be interested in the same topic, go for it! It can’t hurt to try. Another option is to try and reboot old clubs! The Fashion Club recently retired and Duncan hopes that one day it will be revived. Perhaps someone would be interested in starting up another photography club! The ideas are endless, and the more clubs the better!