Barlow is welcoming a new principal this year. The previous assistant principal, Mr. Bhear, is stepping into the principal role this year. Bhear has been involved at Barlow since 1998 for 11 years on and off, mostly maintaining a role as an assistant principal. As assistant principal, he worked with groups of students, guiding them toward academic success by helping with maintaining grades and attendance. Along with helping students throughout the year, he also supervised various departments within the building.
Being a principal comes with more responsibilities than being an assistant principal. As principal, his responsibilities include managing the facility, representing the school across the board regarding partnerships and business as a school, and supervising departments. As assistant principal, he was supervising three departments. As principal, he supervises one. Bhear plans to keep his role as principal as long as Barlow allows.
This year, Bhear said he had received feedback from community members, including staff, parents, and students, that showed the need for improvement in celebrating cultural diversity within our school. “Something we could do better at is celebrating minorities here at Barlow,” Bhear stated. To assist in creating a more diverse school community, Bhear intends to create a group of students who have the opportunity to meet with him and provide input on various aspects of our community. The intention behind this plan is that Bhear can listen to students’ perspectives and ideas but also integrate them into their school environment. These representatives will work with Bhear on making the Barlow facility more welcoming for every culture and diversity. Bhear hopes this will help build a sense of pride within the school. This group of representatives would most likely meet with Mr. Bhear during lunch; he hopes to get this running by October.
Students can also help play a part in bettering the school community. One thing Bhear hopes that students can do this year is respect teachers, staff, and other students. Respect includes attending class on time, following classroom and school rules, participating during class, doing your work to the best of your ability, and supporting fellow classmates academically and socially. You can do this by showing your classmates kindness in class and on social media platforms, showing empathy towards others’ perspectives, and giving not only your peers but also your teachers grace.
Overall, Bhear is excited for the upcoming year here at Barlow. Bhear excitedly shared that he is looking forward to it all, from the school itself to all the extracurriculars, the highs and lows, significant milestones, and graduation. When asked if he had any advice for students, he said, “Enjoy the moment, celebrate every day, celebrate each other because it all goes so fast. Seniors only have 160 days left, and it’s gonna go by in the blink of an eye. So just celebrate every moment ’cause it’s gonna be gone soon.”
Remember to welcome Mr. Bhear as he steps into his new role. Let’s strive to make Barlow welcoming, and let’s have a great year, Bruins!