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Barlow’s Dustin Sadiq Shares His Experiences Interviewing for the Elite

Dustin Sadiq shares his experiences and advice for college interviews.
Dustin Sadiq shares his experiences and advice for college interviews.
Dustin Sadiq

Last February, Barlow senior Dustin Sadiq had two once-in-a-lifetime experiences in one week. On February 4th, 2024, Sadiq had a virtual interview with a representative from Harvard University, and on February 12th, he had yet another virtual interview with a representative from Stanford University. The interviews came months after Sadiq sent in applications to both schools in December of 2023, and were to determine the same thing: his admissions status. 

Once he learned he had advanced far enough into the admissions process to receive interviews, Sadiq began preparing. As a member of the Speech and Debate team over the past three years, Sadiq notes his experiences greatly gave him an advantage. “It’s become easier for me to talk with other people and build connections,” he elaborates.
Furthermore, Sadiq explains he received help from various Barlow staff members. “I had mock interviews with Mr. Bhear, Ms. Lamoureux, and Mrs. Molony to help me, which was really nice because you are getting support from your own school. I really appreciated that,” Sadiq shares.

Sadiq recounts both interviews as very different experiences. “Harvard’s interviewer was the class of 1963 and got into Harvard when he was sixteen. So he graduated from Harvard, when he was twenty,” Sadiq states. On the other hand, Stanford’s interviewer graduated from the college in 2010. “She was a lot easier to talk to,” Sadiq notes. 

Both interviewers inquired about Sadiq’s high school involvements, volunteer opportunities, proudest achievements, and, of course, the cliche, why would you be a good fit for this school?

In the end, Sadiq was not admitted into either of the schools, but he was not disheartened. Sadiq jokes red is and will continue to be his favorite color, then on a more serious note adds, “It’s okay. You have bigger opportunities waiting for you.” Sadiq now plans to attend the University of Oregon Clarks Honors College. As a recipient of the Ford scholarship, Sadiq’s tuition and housing will be approximately 90% covered as he majors in biology on the pre-medical track. 

For anybody else who wishes to apply to elite colleges, Sadiq wants them to know, “It’s not impossible to get into these schools if you actually put in the time, dedication, and hard work. It’s not just if you’re a celebrity’s child or if you cured cancer. For these schools, anybody has a true shot.”

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