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Performing Arts, Class Acts

Callie Evans discusses her productions and theater experiences over her elementary through out high school years.
Callie Evans discusses her productions and theater experiences over her elementary through out high school years.
Callie Evans

Aiden Craft is a senior in Barlow’s choir program. Craft is currently a part of Barlow Sound, Concert Choir, and the Choir Committee which meets a few times a month to brainstorm and plan activities and events for the choir classes. Describing the commitment and time management needed for choir, Craft says, “You have to be very committed and involved in everything, if you are skipping class or not participating it can really hurt the choir and the overall sound. As a senior I don’t really have a lot of homework and most choir events are after school so I have a lot of time to do both and balance them.” Craft’s last piece of advice for current or future choir members is, “Listen and build a bond with Mrs. Schroeder, she will help you and make the overall experience in choir better for you.”


Hailey De Leon has been in band since middle school. De Leon’s interest in band sparked at a young age as she shares, “The middle school band had an assembly every year where they came and played for the elementary school. It was one of my favorite assemblies every year…and when I moved to middle school, I picked my instrument and joined the band.” De Leon’s primary instrument is the flute but said she started exploring other instruments last year and picked up both alto and tenor saxophones and is currently learning the clarinet and trumpet. Over the past four years, De Leon has been incredibly committed to Sam Barlow’s band department as she is currently a section leader, a member of the band council, runs the Sam Barlow Band Instagram page, and helps with most bands events. Reflecting on her experiences, De Leon expresses, “To me, band means community and fun, connecting through people’s music.” 

Calli Evans is a senior at Barlow and a part of Barlow’s Theater 7-8 class. Evans’ theater journey began when she started taking classes in seventh grade and began high school productions her junior year that continued through this year. Evans has been involved in four Barlow productions: Mary Poppins, Rumors, Wizard of OZ, and 12 Angry Men. Involvement in various theaters and productions has impacted Evans greatly as she says, “It has given me my most fun memories. I’ve made my closest friends because of theater. Being a part of this type of community is very special, we have many inside jokes or ‘bits’.”

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