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Four Bruins Take On DECA Internationals

Gift bags for those who worked at the event as a thank you for volunteering.
Gift bags for those who worked at the event as a thank you for volunteering.
Anita Lamoureux

On May 7, Barlow held its second annual Bruin Expo. The Bruin Expo is a showcase for the work students have done in their CTE classes. The CTE classes, or Career Technical Education classes, show off their hard work throughout the school year. Its main purpose is to encourage current and incoming students to forecast these classes for the next year and to show community members what the Barlow students have accomplished in their CTE classes. Each CTE class had a stand showcasing student work. 

Marketing planned, promoted, and ran the event and also had a stand to promote the class and DECA. They were also running the Den throughout the entire event. CIS, or Computer Information Systems, provided two student-made games visitors could play and also had student-made robots with a student showing how they work. Students from Culinary gave out food made by students, including veggie cups, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, chocolate chip cookies, and pineapple sorbet with tajin on top. The art classes showed off student drawings, paintings, and sculptures on the wooden stairs. Woods students showed off cutting boards, birdhouses, shelves, and even a bench. Metals and Manufacturing had a purse, belt, and binder made out of metal, and Graphic Design projected a slideshow of student creations. Engineering also showed off some student work, along with Early Childhood Education which had children’s books and classroom models the students made. The turnout was good, although not as high as the marketing program wanted. But they have already started planning improvements for next year’s annual Bruin Expo.

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