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Band And Choir Kick Off Annual Retreat

Concert Choir rehearsals
Concert Choir rehearsals
Aviana Patchin

On October 11th, the Barlow Symphonic Band and Concert Choir will leave for their weekend trip to Eagle Fern Camp in Estacada where they will have their annual music retreat. This year will be the first time the band and choir will go on the same day. When asked how they felt about going with the choir, Gabriel Flores-Sanchez responded “I feel pretty excited to spend time with people that I may not spend time with during school.” 

Weston Glover who is in both the band and choir said, “I am excited to be going with the choir this year! I don’t know how the logistics will work out, but I feel like us band members don’t know many of the kids in the choir class, and maybe some don’t appreciate the music their group 

makes. This year, I am also a part of the concert choir, so I am looking forward to getting to know more of the choir members, and hopefully be the bridge between the choir and the band.” The music retreat’s main purpose is to build community between the people in their class. Now, with both groups going together it will help build relationships outside of their music groups. 

While the band won’t perform at all while on the retreat, they will have many rehearsals including large group and small group practices. The retreat will also have activities for the students to participate in to build closer relationships. Some of Emma Nuttall’s favorite activities from the retreat last year were “…the big Bunco activity we did. It was kinda chaotic but everyone got so competitive! Aiden Gardiner won the Danny DeVito cut-out that lived in the band year all last year during Bunco. And that’s definitely not all… trying to squish multiple people into a cardboard box, watching Nickolas crowd surf, and the Foosball table were all just a part of the fun!” While Maya Enns’ favorite thing was, “…probably playing in a new space as it always sounds different and cool.”

The retreat’s biggest point is to build community and relationships with your classmates.  When asked what they learned or took away from the retreat Glover said, “The biggest thing I’ve learned from the band retreat is the great community we have in the band program. Everyone gets to know each other through games, conversations during free time, and in rehearsal. Our group is always so accepting and inclusive to everyone, and we know how to have fun with each other.” Flores-Sanchez agreed by saying, “One thing I learned from last year’s retreat is the importance of friendship, The retreat brightened my understanding of friendship.” Nuttall also said, “The experience for me displayed the heart of Barlow’s band program. Everyone worked hard and played hard, and I felt very welcomed.”

Band Rehearsals (Aviana Patchin)
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