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Are You Too OLd to Trick-or-Treat in High School?

This picture was made on iStock. An illustration of children's silhouette trick or treating.
This picture was made on iStock. An illustration of children’s silhouette trick or treating.

Halloween time is coming around. For many, the spooky season is filled with many exciting activities, such as going to pumpkin patches, watching scary movies, wearing fun costumes, and more. But is trick-or-treating still something to look forward to in high school? Some people still like to go trick-or-treating in high school, but many don’t enjoy it anymore. I have asked some students if they think they are too old to trick or treat.

Many high schoolers believe that they are not too old for trick-or-treating. Powell Jacobs, a junior, agrees that high schoolers aren’t too old to trick-or-treat. Jacobs believes trick-or-treating is for all ages and should not have an age limit. Jacobs thinks trick-or-treating is worth it for free candy and gives a fun experience to hang out with friends.

Ava Guftison, a senior, is not too old to trick-or-treat. She says trick-or-treating is fun, and people may judge you over it, but that shouldn’t stop you. Trick-or-treating is a fun, traditional thing that people of many ages can do. Gustafson thinks some kids might get creeped out by older kids running around for candy, but that shouldn’t stop you from having fun during your trick-or-treating experience.

Others believe that, by high school, you’re too old to trick-or-treat. A freshman, Camille Corcoran, is on the “you’re too old” side. Corcoran believes that trick-or-treating is childish and embarrassing. I can see how Corcoran and others could think that. When you get older, knocking on doors and saying “trick-or-treat” can be a little embarrassing. Corcoran thinks walking around your neighborhood asking for candy is for little kids now. Camille would rather dress up in costumes and hang out with friends.

Henry Saviel, a sophomore, also believes high schoolers are too old for trick-or-treating. Saviel thinks that trick-or-treating is meant for kids and not for teenagers. Saviel thinks that if teenagers trick-or-treat, there might not be enough candy for little kids. I can agree with Saviel on that. Older kids, like us, are faster than little kids, which means we can get the candy faster leading to younger kids not getting as much candy. Instead of trick-or-treating, Saviel will be hanging out with friends.

Many people have different opinions on trick-or-treating. Even if it can be seen as childish, it depends on how you see it. Trick-or-treating can be childish but also can be a fun social event. Trick-or-treating is originally designed for kids but people still find it amusing. You can experience fun times with friends and of course, get free candy. Overall, trick-or-treating has been around for many years and can be enjoyed by all ages.

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