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What Can Homework Club Do For You?

Homework club is in the library Monday through Thursday.
Homework club is in the library Monday through Thursday.
Kylie Asher

If you’re struggling with your grades or falling behind and need extra help, homework club is here for you Monday through Thursday. It takes place after school from 2:45 to 3:45 in the media center, and it is dedicated to helping students finish and do their homework, develop good studying habits, and learn time management skills. You can also learn the values of individual responsibility. 

This club runs every week except for holidays and doesn’t run during finals weeks or the first few weeks of the semester. Mr. Mason, who attends every club, says he ”sees a significant improvement in the number of students who attend, but sees a bigger improvement in the ones that keep coming back and attending the club multiple times a week.” 

Homework club is a time when students can go after school and get help with their homework. Traditionally, it has focused on math teachers helping with math homework. Now, Sam Barlow High School is trying to increase the number of teachers and build up available teachers to help more students with their other subjects. 

Homework club is a time for students to dedicate time to studying and getting stuff done. It helps students who may be struggling or behind in a class get help and get caught up. Homework club is also a good opportunity for students to develop the habit of setting aside time to be able to take care of things they need to do and create excellent and effective studying habits for future and current classes. This club also offers basic one-on-one tutoring from the teachers who are there for students who just need some extra help. Also, it is an excellent opportunity if you miss a day or two of class and need help with lessons or to retake or make up a quiz or test. 

Some of the significant benefits of attending include giving students the help and structure they need to complete assignments and get all caught up. The after-school homework club support offers a structured and organized setting for students to work on their assignments. This structure helps students develop good study habits and time management skills. Homework club can help students understand a lesson or assignment they are struggling with and can help a student’s grades while guiding and helping them do their homework and understand it. Homework club improves academic achievement, which is helpful for students looking to improve their grades or finish any assignments.

 Homework club is available to anyone and everyone. You don’t have to sign up like other clubs; you can just show up and work, and teachers will help you. The teachers attend homework club either every day or every few days, depending on the teachers’ schedule. A majority of the math teachers show up because many students struggle with math the most. You can find out which teachers are coming by asking the teacher, club members or scanning the QR code. 

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