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Resources for Seniors

Oregon Tech College Visit
Oregon Tech College Visit
Tia Molony

Are you a senior looking for help for the remainder of the year? Well, you’re in the right place. Below, you can find resources and information that can help you for your senior year. 


The first thing that can help you out is college visits. Although there aren’t many left, they are an excellent resource to help you learn more about a college you’re interested in or want to attend. You will sit and listen to a representative from the college talk about the school and what they have to offer and have the opportunity to ask them questions. Sometimes, you might even get some swag!


The second thing is scholarships and where to find help. A great place to go is the College and Career Center to visit Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Molony. Mrs. Collins has resources for CTE programs, apprenticeships, fast track, military, and job opportunities. Mrs. Molony focuses on college and scholarships. She’s a good person to see if you need to know where to find scholarships or help with applications and essays. If you’re looking for other resources, you can also find scholarships online at Or in these links: Local Scholarship List, Comprehensive Scholarship List

Another thing that can help with college applications is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Mrs. Molony describes FAFSA as, “A form that students fill out each year to determine their eligibility for financial aid for college or career school. A social security number is required to complete the FAFSA.” Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA) “is an alternative to the FAFSA for undocumented students in Oregon. Students who are eligible for the ORSAA can use it to access state grants, scholarships, and tuition reduction,” Mrs. Molony says. Another opportunity is the Oregon Promise which is, “…a state grant that helps cover tuition costs at any Oregon community college for recent high school graduates. Students must apply during their senior year.  You need a minimum of a 2.0 GPA to qualify for Oregon Promise, and you also need to complete the FAFSA by the June 1st deadline,” said Mrs. Molony.

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