Senior Trips and Summer Plans
Rachel Vedus at Hogwarts
June 17, 2021
The last summer of our high school career. Some may
say our last chance to be reckless and have as much freedom as we seniors have now. Some may also say that their freedom is just beginning. Nevertheless, senior summer means senior trips and many dreams of the ̈best summer yet ̈. Whether your senior trip takes you halfway across the World or just a weekend at the beach, all seniors should have the opportunity to take time to celebrate their success and live in the moment before whatever awaits them in the future.
Though for Hayden White, he plans to enjoy the river on hot days and go camp- ing with his friends. White doesn’t have many plans for his summer but keeping up with the gym and enjoying his summer.
Yosef Aiger has a full list of plans for his senior summer, by first traveling to Cancun, Mexico with his close friend. At the beginning of summer, Aiger plans to go skydiving, crossing that off his bucket list for summer. ̈Then I’m going on a trip to Hawaii with my family and I’m planning on doing a road trip with some friends.”
As for Cole Peterson, his summer looks closely like Aigers. Peterson will also be taking a trip to Cancun Mexico, but Peterson’s main goal is to relax before leaving for college. Cole also, ̈plans on working a lot to save up money and hang with some friends that I might not see for a very long time before I leave. ̈ Both Aiger and Peterson agree that their senior summer is more important than the rest because it is the last time youĺl see some friends and people for a long time. And senior summer represents the big transformation into adulthood.
Rachel Vedus will be taking a trip to Florida with her family this August. As she has traveled to Disney World with her family years before. Vedus explains why Florida is her favorite place to travel to, ̈Me and my family always goes on vaca- tion to Florida, so it is very special to me and has a lot of great memories.”
I think we all can agree that our last summer vacation should be treated as a time to really live in the moment. Have fun and don’t take this time for granted. Soak up the sun and appreciate the company you have this summer.