Barlow Football


Adina Kiriac

Barlow Football team plays against Gresham at home

Vanessa Kelley, Staff Writer

 Football is a loved sport by most people because of the excitement and joy the sport brings. Football has many flaws in it, and just as many exciting moments. What can be so bad about football though?

   First off, while football is so fun to watch and support, it brings a lot of stress to the players and coaches. An anonymous football player from the Sam Barlow Football team said that “football started to feel like a chore, like everyone made a huge deal if I missed a practice once. I used to look forward to football, and now I just don’t; That says a lot, considering I’ve been playing for a couple of years now.”  This person shows us that football isn’t just a sport, it’s so much more than that. The coaches have a big role in how the football season goes, but not as much as the players.

   So what is it that we really know about football, and the players? Two anonymous players at Sam Barlow share how their experience has been as a part of the football team. Another player said, “it’s been fine, I like it.” 

The other football player said, “my personal experience has been okay. My team members are really supportive, and we always lift each other up.” 

This year, the football team saw new faces in the crowd at the themed games such as neon night, camo night, and beach party night, as well as many more! While the stands are full of cheering fans, the players themselves are not able to celebrate their wins. “You can’t celebrate like jump up but you can’t spread it in their face nor talk to the other team.”

Of course, there’s always room for improvement. One player said, “I would change how much people talk crap, there’s too much drama.” Football is so much more than a game. It’s about family, friends, and the ups and downs that come with being a part of a team.