Students Signed to Play Sports for Various Colleges

Brooklynn Povey, Staff Writer

On Feb. 5, 2020, Jenessa Teachout, Cade Kooch, Charlie Bailey, Carter Serafimi, CJ. Brushwood, Jadon Morgan, and Ethan Wallis all signed with different colleges to start their future and careers.

The library drew people in with free coffee and donuts, but also a chance to celebrate Barlows student athletes. Family, friends, and around 35 stafl members attended, the

*most faculty by far, according to Coach Johnson. Students got a chance to introduce themselves, explain where they were heading, and what they planned on studying.

The signing celebration is for any student-athlete that has currently, or plans to sign a national letter of intent with any college. Track and cross-country athlete Jenessa Teachout plans on attending George Fox University to study biomedical engineering, and said the track team “is super welcoming already” 

Cade Kooch, another cross-country and track athlete, plans on attending Concordia University (two days after signing, Concordia announced that they will be closing in Spring 2020, so plans are now unclear) and plans to study exercise science and psychology.

Runner Charlie Bailey plans on attending Biola University to study film. Carter Serafini, a baseball player, signed with Concordia University.

C. J. Brushwood is planning on attending McKendree University and he chose the school because he felt like it was a “good fit and plans to study business and nutrition. McKendree participated in Water Polo while at Barlow. 

Two football players, Jadon Morgan, and Ethan Wallis are attending Portland State University. Morgan plans to study nursing, and Wallis plans to study marketing.

Afterward, the coaches of various teams congratulated their athletes. Paul Quirke praised “the hours that these guys put in that nobody sees for a product we get to watch for a few minutes.”

Terry Summerfield, the head football coach, thanked the Wallis and Morgan families and addressed the boys: “We wish you the best of luck in all endeavors. It’ll be pretty cool to play next to each other for the next four years–or five years, who knows?”

Schmidt spoke last about how exceptional this year’s senior class is, and how they’ve all been heavily involved in academics, extracurriculars, and sports, “representing Barlow at the highest level”