Are Zoos What’s Best for Animals?

Animals dont enjoy a cage.

The Guardian

Animals don’t enjoy a cage.

Joshua Nonamaker, Staff Writer

The question of whether zoos are ethical or not is a highly debated topic. While some people argue that zoos provide a safe and controlled environment for animals, others may argue that it is unethical to keep animals in captivity. 

One side says that zoos can provide a healthy environment for animals that may not be able to survive in the wild. For example, They can provide medical care and nutrition for animals that are sick or injured. Zoos can also protect endangered species from habitat destruction and poaching. Additionally, they can educate the public about animals and their behaviors. This can raise awareness about conservation and the importance of protecting animal habitats.

However, the other side of this argument mentions that zoos are unethical because they keep animals in captivity. Animals in zoos are often confined to small spaces that do not reflect their natural habitats. This can cause stress, anxiety, and other negative behaviors. Some people may even argue that zoos prioritize profit over animal welfare, leading to them neglecting their animals. 

Captivity for these animals can lead to a loss of natural behaviors and instincts. Animals in zoos may become dependent on humans for food and may not know how to hunt or forage. This can make it difficult for animals to survive if they are released back into the wild. 

Most animals in captivity don’t end up socializing with other animals because they become so used to humans and not other animals. These unnatural behaviors can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. If we take those issues seriously when a person talks about them then why doesn’t an animal get treated the same? These mental health problems in animals can then lead to obesity which can lead to heart disease, breathing problems and certain types of cancer.

Even if zoos do rehabilitate them, animals can never go back into the wild because they will be so used to humans feeding them and taking care of them that the animals will eventually forget their natural instincts. Zoos say they want to rehabilitate animals but if they can’t bring the animals back to their habitat is that animal really better off than before/ Some may say that zoos can help animals that are going extinct or are endangered become revitalized but if an animal is born in captivity it will never leave and if it does leave it most likely won’t be able to adjust to life outside a cage. 

In conclusion, the question of whether zoos are ethical or not is complex and depends on the circumstances of the zoo. While zoos can provide a safe and controlled environment for the animals, they can also lead to negative behaviors and loss of natural instincts. It is important for zoos to prioritize animal health over money and to provide environments that are similar to natural habitats as much as possible. Additionally, education and conservation efforts should be a priority for all zoos to raise awareness about the importance of protecting animal habitats.