Senior Quotes

Seniors share their favorite quotes.


Seniors share their favorite quotes.

Name (First and Last) Senior Quotes: what is a quote that you would like to share?
Bailey Gayken I don’t have one
Jasmine Chaco I’ll remember you all in therapy
Emma Shively You can’t control things that are out of control, plus everything happens for a reason
Stanislav Gamza relax while you can, you will have plenty of time to work later
Ella valt cZe all flowers in time bend towards the sun!
Camryn Burns Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
Alyssa Stumbo N/A
Boaz Amadio “I want people to be afraid of how much they love me” -Machiavelli
Taylor Groza “Even when times get hard there’s nowhere else to go but up”
Annabell Vue “So the Delusion Sentiment Compensation Federation//Embraced love and shouted their ideals//A melody of fools with nowhere to go” – DSCF – Deco*27
Gisselle Chanocua Lopez If life shuts a door, open it back up!!! Just in case you didn’t know how a door works!
Isabella Sanz Fino Wherever your pencil takes you, YOU are the author, editor, and the main character of your own story.
Brycen Weimer Hard work pays off, but be patient it will come eventually.
Lilyth Hadley Kids by Current Joys, 2:47-3:21
Kelsey Claggett “I suffered, I learned, I changed” – Unknown
Noah Maestas “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”
Grayson Carter don’t take ap macro. 
Sophie Neighorn “I’m not dramatic, I’m just passionate”- Freshman Sophie
Ava Buchanan Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.
Aayla Karlgaard Surround yourself with nontoxic people
Levi Matthews Don’t touch my soul with dirty hands
McKenna Primiano Set your heart ablaze
Emma Miles-Weber “Don’t waste your time obsessing over stupid actions of stupid people”
Izzy Zielinski Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man.
Hannah Guilleux Have confidence! If you don’t take that first step, you’ll never know what can happen.
Grace Dahl The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.
Saphryn Wiley When we focus on life’s “what if’s,” it’s easy to lose sight of what is. Focus on the present, you won’t regret it.
Julia Schmidt “The truth is, most of us discover where we are heading when we arrive” -Bill Watterson