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Our ASB officers

2024-2025 ASB President Camden Pate
2024-2025 ASB President Camden Pate
Faith Lewis

On April 29th, 2024, the following students were elected to be your 2024-2025 ASB officers- Spirit commissioner: Ulises Avendano Miranda, Recording Secretary: Sofia Potts, Corresponding Secretary: Allison Shamoon, Treasurer: Olivia Maestas, SGT-AT-ARMS: Jaidyn Worley, Publicity Manager: Lilli Chism, Site Council: Michael Bliatout, and Haya Ismael, Historian: Hayden Crocker, Vice President: Emma Sadiq, and your 2024-2025 president, Camden Pate.


  1. What are your intentions for Barlow, and the community?
  2. Why did you choose this position specifically?
  3. Why do you think you were chosen/ the right fit for this position? (Brag about yourself!)
  4. Any other ideas for our community?

Spirit commissioner: Ulises Avendano Miranda

  1. “My intentions for Barlow are to increase our school spirit even more.”
  2. “I chose this position because I am passionate about our school spirit and want to embrace it.”
  3. “I am a pretty friendly and easy-to-get-along-with person. I can also be a pretty loud and enthusiastic person.”
  4. “Keep spreading positivity by all of us being the leaders we want to be, step up for others, and try to improve the campus cleanliness by setting up cleaning days people can volunteer at.”

Recording Secretary: Sofia Potts

  1. “I want to make a positive impact to our school and aim to promote inclusivity, supporting peers, engaging in our community, and participating in school activity. I want to help create a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone and encourage others to be involved.”
  2. I chose to run for this Recording secretary because I have strong organizational skills and attention to detail. Being Recording secretary means I will be in charge of documentation and record-keeping, I know I can manage maintaining clean and organized records.”
  3. “I’m currently one of the captains of our school’s varsity dance team and I’m going into my 4th year on the team. I’m involved in Key Club and DECA and am a member of Bruins Care and Barlow crew. I’m also a part of student council leadership where I represent the junior class. I love being involved!”

Corresponding Secretary: Allison Shamoon

  1. “My intentions for our school is to make sure everyone’s wants and needs are advocated and heard.”
  2. “I wanted to use my communicating skills to help our school. I also felt like I wanted to take on a bigger role as a leader.”
  3. “I think I am the right fit for this position because I enjoy communicating the needs of the school and talking with others.”
  4. “I’m just excited for this role and want to bring our school together!”

Treasurer: Olivia Maestas

  1. “I want the student body to have a memorable experience here at Barlow. I want to have fun things that students can do while they are here to improve our events that we can do at Barlow every year with feedback from our student body.”
  2. “I chose this position specifically because I currently hold this, so I thought that it would be a good thing to continue.”
  3. “I think I was the right fit for the position because I have been a part of leadership all throughout middle school and high school, so I am very experienced. I was also the Barlow Treasurer for the 2023-2024 school year and have been doing a good job at it, so I am experienced at my job which makes me a good fit.”
  4. “I hope to get more of the student body involved into what sorts of things we do here at Barlow so that everyone can have an enjoyable school year!”

SGT-AT-ARMS: Jaidyn Worley

  1. “To make Barlow a safe space and good experience for everybody. Learning fire marshall code and meeting with Gresham’s fire marshalls is one way I will be providing safety, not only for Barlow but for our community.”
  2. “I love being involved in our community. Whether that’s cheering at football games or setting up for Snowball. Being elected for student council was the best thing that happened to me and I am ready to take on a larger role in our community.”
  3. “Dance Team Captain since sophomore year, Key Club, DECA, Barlow Crew, Bruins Care, Barlow 101, and youth group leader.”
  4. “More communicating events-fundraisers, clean ups, and more support for sports and activities.”

Publicity Manager: Lilli Chism

  1. “My goal this year as publicity manager is to find new ways to make sure ALL students know about the events happening at Barlow.”
  2. “I chose this position because I believe that I have big ideas that will improve Barlow’s TikTok and Instagram.”
  3. “I honestly have no idea how I won but I have a passion for leading and encouraging others. With this passion, I believe that I will successfully keep the Barlow community updated and more hyped than ever.”
  4. “I plan on finding new ways to keep our community updated and excited for school events as well as promoting our school spirit on TikTok for all to see.”

Site Council: Michael Bliatout

  1. “To make sure everybody can look back at high school and think “I enjoyed that.””
  2. “I could see myself doing well in my position.”
  3. “I had a very successful online campaign and a notable advisory video. That’s how I got votes. I’m right for this position because I love representing Barlow.”
  4. “To make an enjoyable learning environment.”

Site Council: Haya Ismael

  1. “I’m pretty involved in Barlow right now, but my intentions are to try to be more involved and help everyone feel a community in Barlow.”
  2. “I chose this position because I think for the experience I have so far, its the best role. I also have a “partner” in the position of site council too.”
  3. “I think I’m the right fit for this position because I have a lot of experience in leadership and public speaking and I’m very committed to this role.”
  4. “Overall, just to have a more connected and understanding community.”

Historian: Hayden Crocker

  1. “To document and organize all previous and current events of Barlow High School”
  2. “It fits well with my schedule and the school’s history fascinated me as well as documenting our history.”
  3. “I’ve been very involved with the school since my freshman year and striving to do better as well as carrying the school’s history is something I look forward to every day.”

Vice President: Emma Sadiq

  1. “My intention for Barlow is to make sure everyone’s voice is heard and everyone has a saying in what we do for Barlow.”
  2. “I chose the vice president position because I know I can put in the good effort and work hard to achieve the student body’s wants and needs.”
  3. “I think I was chosen for this position because of the multiple leadership experiences I have such as being publicity manager of Speech and Debate, I was the vice president of Key Club, and I was the corresponding secretary of ASB. All of those experiences show that I will be a good advocate for Barlow and execute Barlow’s goals.”
  4. “Ideas I have for our community is for them to be more involved in our school events.”

President: Camden Pate

  1. “I want to bring school spirit back to the levels it was before COVID, and I want people in the community to think Barlow is as awesome as I do.”
  2. “I have held multiple ASB offices in the past, and I have enjoyed the increased responsibilities that come with them, so I ran for president to continue that.”
  3. “Because I am a well-known, friendly person who people see in assemblies and in advisory videos.”
  4. “I want to increase student participation in choosing dance and spirit week themes.”
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