10 back-to-school must haves: Target edition

McKenzie Delwisch, Junior Staff Writer

School is starting back up soon for most of us! So this means we need to do some back-to-school shopping. Even though this year is going to be way different than usual, we still need a few things. And who doesn’t love the excuse to go shopping? 

This year we don’t need as many pencils and papers, but there are a few things we do need. So off of my own opinion, and things that are mandatory, I made a handy checklist. All of these back-to-school must-haves are from Target. 

The things that I’ve put in this checklist are things that will keep you safe and comfy when we are adjusting back to what used to be “normal”. Some things that are in this list are things like masks, hand sanitizer, ChromeBook, and a water bottle, etc. But other things that are in this list are things like hair ties, comfy clothes, lightweight backpack, and a straw to drink out of your water bottle with. Those few things were more of an opinion on what would be most useful for going back to school. 

We need some comfort while coming back to school since this can be scary for people especially like me. So if you are going through this list get your things ready, or just as an excuse to go shopping at your nearest Target, happy back-to-school season. Stay safe, and healthy!


Top 10 Must-Haves:

  1. A comfy mask you can breathe through – $4-$10 in multiple colors and patterns
  2. A bag or pocket you can keep track of your mask in – $1-$3 in the dollar section
  3. Extra hand sanitizer – $0.89 for a little bottle
  4. Wipes – $3 for a pack of 20 alcohol wipes
  5. A water bottle with a straw – $12 in multiple colors
  6. A ChromeBook case so you can keep track of your ChromeBook from class to class – $0 from Barlow!
  7. A hair tie if you have longer hair to keep it out of your face with the mask it can be annoying – $3 for a pack of 17
  8. The back to school basics like pens, pencils, and paper. But most will be online still – $1 for each
  9. Pack a lunch from home if you can so it’ll be easier and safer – $6-$18 for a lunch box but you should be eating lunch at home before coming to school
  10. Comfortable clothes, a mask and sitting all day will be annoying so making sure you have something that will be comfortable to have on will make it a lot easier – Price ranges depending on your unique and awesome style!