Things to do during the summer

Ben Rivas, Staff Writer

As summer is approaching, and the heat is rising, we bring out our tank tops and shorts getting prepared for the long awaited summer vacation. But, with Covid still being a spreading disease, there isn’t much for us to do during summer. Have no fear, because that’s why this bucket list exists full of 5 fun ideas. 

  • Go for a swim! So far, there is no physical evidence that COVID-19 can transfer through water, when the pool maintenance  keeps the pool disinfected with chlorine and bromine which kills the virus. 
  • Go on hikes! Going on hikes could possibly include human interaction, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep your mask on the whole hike. Once you come within 6 feet of a stranger while passing them, keep your mask handy, and ready to be put on. 
  • Go to a Drive-in movie! Many movie theaters and parks are bringing back this iconic 1950s movie activity. While enjoying the brand new movies arriving theaters in 2021, you’re in the comfort of your own vehicle, perfectly spread apart from each other!
  • Go on a picnic with close friends! Picnics are always perfect for a nice summer day. Get your closest friends and pick a beautiful park, with some delicious food, and go have yourself a relaxing park picnic, whilst social distancing of course. 
  • Have a sleepover with your friends! Nothing could be any more fun than a classic sleepover. Get your favorite snacks, activities, and maybe even pull an all nighter for the fun of it, but not to forget, social distancing.


I hope this bucket list helps you boost your summer thoughts and ideas. Have a wonderful, beautiful, safe, and fun summer Barlow students. Remember to wear a mask if you’re not vaccinated, and stay a safe distance from others.