Thank You Notes

Coen Neiwert, Assistant Editor-In-Chief and Social Media Editor

Noah Lockman – I want to thank Mrs. Holliday for helping and guiding me to college and helping me achieve that goal.

Madelynn Riordan – Mrs. Caine and Mr. Martin and Mr. Pohl, thank you for being some of the best teachers I’ve had! You guys made my high school experience so much fun!!

Sofia Maldonado – I just want to thank all my friends for being so amazing and making school so much better. You guys are truly the best people I know <3

Elyse Bruders – Mrs. Schroeder: Thank you so much for encouraging me and everyone else in choir and being a support system for all of us at Barlow. You are so amazing and kind and one of the best teachers I have ever had.

Luke Sullins – I would like to thank Madame Kopperman: “Merci, Madame Kopp, pour tous les Musique Mercredis et tous les histoires de Kopp. Tu faisais lycée amusant; la classe de Français était toujours un endroit sûr et chaleureux pour tout le monde. Je n’oublierai jamais notre temps en Français.”

Michelle Ceciliano – I want to thank Mr. Nickolas for being the best teacher I have ever had. His class has the best sense of community and makes everyone feel included. I plan to come back and visit after graduation.

Bonny Skinner – I’d just like to thank all of my teachers for being great supporters throughout this year and getting through this COVID crisis still. I’d especially like to thank Mrs. Schroeder for being the absolute best of the performing arts teachers, no offense to Mr. Schro or Mr. Nickolas.

Draeke Carver – I wanna say thank you to Mr. Quirke, He was there for me when I didn’t even want someone to be there. He never gave up on me and he always pushed me no matter what to try. Thank you so much Quirke!!

Abigail Kohler – I would like to say thank you so much to all the wonderful teachers throughout the years who helped me become a better student. Mr. Schroeder and Mrs. Schroeder especially — both helped me grow as an individual and I will forever be grateful for that.