Fashion, Hobbies, and More

Brooklynn Povey, Design Editor

It’s safe to say that since freshman year, every individual has changed in some way. Everyone has had a change in their fashion sense, confidence and how they have grown. Brittany Austin for example, explains how she has grown into herself and her own style.

“I used to wear a lot of floral patterns, pink, and I never wore makeup. Now I wear makeup almost everyday, a lot of natural/soft colors, and more plain patterns.” During freshman year I think I could speak for a lot of people when I say, we used to try and please everyone else with what we wore, how we acted, and how we did our hair and makeup. Since then, especially through quarantine and COVID in general, people have start- ed to realize that no one cares what you do, how you dress, and how you look in general because everyone is already worried about how they look and how people view them.

“Confidence is key,” is something you probably hear a lot from people, and it is beyond true! When you are confident in yourself, it will show, it will make you have more fun and have little to no cares about what others think. “As far as confidence goes, I’ve just really grown into myself and stopped basing my appearance on how every- one thought I should look. I have become more outgoing, less afraid, and just in general more myself.”

Some people still struggle with finding their confidence and are working on finding themselves, which is more than okay. It takes a lot of time, patience, and work to find yourself and be comfortable in your skin. Finding yourself is a challenge, it is a lot of ups and downs, a lot of emotions.