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Study Tips for Finals

Oh, I understand this!
Oh, I understand this!
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Finals week is coming up sooner than you think. Here are some ways to help you study:

  1. Space out your studying – If you break up your study load over several days, your brain will have more time to absorb the information
  2. Create a study schedule that you can follow – Creating a schedule will help you stay organized and on track.
  3. Eat breakfast – Eat a good breakfast. Healthy eating maintains energy levels and helps with concentration.
  4. Start early – Don’t wait until the last minute to study for finals.
  5. Avoid distractions – Distractions can disrupt even the most productive study session.
  6. Pace yourself – Stay focused, and don’t burn yourself out.
  7. Don’t Procrastinate – Only studying the night before or the morning of the final is not an effective study strategy. When it comes to the day of the final, review your study guide before class.
  8. Create study guides – Even though some teachers give you a study guide, making your own can help you understand the material better.
  9. Make flashcards – Flashcards are primarily helpful for vocabulary. Make physical flashcards or digital flashcards on Quizlet.
  10. Review your notes often – Read and review your class notes often because when taking class notes, it’s easy to forget what you wrote down earlier in the semester.
  11. Take breaks – Don’t plan on studying for long periods since this can strain your brain. Keep study times short, such as 30 minutes, then take quick breaks. If you have difficulty pacing yourself, try a Pomodoro timer.
  12. Get rest – Get your sleep. Your studying and hard work for finals are only helpful if you get enough rest. 

Remember to stay hydrated and get your sleep. Good luck with finals, Bruins!

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